DISCOGRAPHIE Enregistrements "Live at the Village Vanguard" (alphabétique par nom d'artiste)
A Night at the Village Vanguard de Sonny Rollins (Blue Note 1581) fut curieusement le premier enregistrement live du Village Vanguard en 1957, mais aussi le seul de Blue Note sous la direction d’Alfred Lion et Francis Wolff (1939-1967)
La mémoire de la scène et de la vie d'un club, même aussi célèbre et ancien que le Village Vanguard, est soumise à la loi inexorable de son caractère éphémère. Il y a eu dans ce club, comme dans l'ensemble de la vie du jazz au quotidien, tant d’humanité, de génie, d'atmosphères, de moments d'exception qu’il est impossible d'en garder une réelle conscience autre que celle qu'apportent l'imagination, la sensibilité et la connaissance.Petite consolation, vingt ans après la création du club, les artistes du jazz ont commencé à enregistrer certaines de leurs prestations dans ce cadre légendaire, et si Max Gordon, déjà fort occupé par la vie de ses deux clubs, n'a pas pu se consacrer à la création d'un label at home pour les artistes de légende qui se sont relayés sur place, comme le fait par exemple le Smoke aujourd'hui, il l’a ouvert aux ingénieurs du son des maisons de disques à partir de 1957. Le hasard du jazz, qui n'en est jamais un tant les liens ont du sens en matière de jazz, fait que le premier enregistrement destiné à l'édition en disque au Village Vanguard a été réalisé par Alfred Lion et Francis Wolff. Ils avaient déjà enregistré dans d'autres clubs auparavant. Ce sera aussi le seul de Blue Note au temps de l'indépendance du label (1939-1965). Le «Live at the Village Vanguard» est ainsi devenu un grand classique de l'édition phonographique, un moment particulier voire un rituel pour certains. Car pour beaucoup des artistes du jazz, «jouer au Vanguard» a été et reste une consécration suprême, et cela en raison de la personnalité de Max Gordon et de son équipe, de la place de ce club dans l'histoire du jazz et de New York. L'atmosphère du lieu a littéralement été magique en de nombreuses occasions.On comprend alors la volonté des animateurs du Village Vanguard et des artistes d'en garder une trace. Les amateurs de jazz ne sont pas en reste: c'est pour eux une manière de sentir, plus ou moins selon la qualité, la tension de l'enregistrement et le drive des artistes; une sensation inespérée, quand on réside parfois à des milliers de kilomètres, d’approcher de la forge du jazz…Le disque est donc non seulement un objet d'art sans comparaison parce qu'il permet l'accès peu onéreux et planétaire à l’art musical, précieux parce qu’il favorise la construction d'œuvres musicales au-delà de l'écriture et la préservation du son et des ondes qui entourent la création, particulièrement déterminantes dans une expression hot, comme on le disait en 1935, un adjectif qui garde tout son sens… Retour sur ces quelques 200 enregistrements «Live at the Village Vanguard», qui loin d'en être toute l'histoire de ce club, en sont une trace appréciable.
Dossier conçu et réalisé par Ellen Bertet, Sandra Miley, Hélène Sportis, Jérôme Partage et Yves Sportis
© Jazz Hot 2025
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, August 19, 1983 George Adams (ts,fl), Don Pullen (p), Cameron Brown (b), Dannie Richmond (dm) • George Adams-Don Pullen Quartet, Live at Village Vanguard, Soul Note 1094/121094-2
George Adams (ts,fl), Don Pullen (p), Cameron Brown (b), Dannie Richmond (dm) • George Adams-Don Pullen Quartet, Live at the Village Vanguard Vol 2, Soul Note 1144/121144-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, January 12, 1962 Cannonball Adderley (as), Nat Adderley (cnt), Yusef Lateef (ts,fl, oboe), Joe Zawinul (p), Sam Jones (b), Louis Hayes (dm) • The Cannonball Adderley Sextet in New York, Riverside 9404/Original Jazz Classics 142
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, January, 2017 Ambrose Akinmusire (tp), Sam Harris (p), Harish Raghavan (b), Justin Brown (dm) • Ambrose Akinmusire, A Rift in Decorum: Live at the Village Vanguard, Blue Note 0602557649703
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, December 21-22, 1990 Geri Allen (p), Charlie Haden (b), Paul Motian (dm) • Geri Allen/Charlie Haden/Paul Motian: Live at the Village Vanguard, DIW 847
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, May 30, 1998 Wessell Anderson (as,ss), Irvin Mayfield (tp), Xavier Davis (p), Steve Kirby (b), Jaz Sawyer (dm) • Wessell Anderson, Live at the Village Vanguard, Leaning House Records 008
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, December 18, 1966
Donald Ayler (tp), Albert Ayler (ts), Michael Sampson (vln), prob. Call Cobbs (p), Bill Foldwell, Henry Grimes (b), Beaver Harris (dm) • Albert Ayler in Greenwich Village, For John Coltrane, Impulse! AS9155/Impulse! 22732
B Village Vanguard, New York, NY, August 3-4, 2002 Bruce Barth (p), Ugonna Okegwo (b), Al Foster (dm) • Bruce Barth Trio, Live at the Village Vanguard, MaxJazz 205
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, October 30-November 4, 2018 Jon Batiste (p, voc) • Jon Batiste, Anatomy of Angels, Verve 0030571-02
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, June 13-14, 1961 Lee Morgan (tp), Curtis Fuller (tb), Wayne Shorter (ts), Walter Davis (p), Jymie Merritt (b), Art Blakey (dm) • Art Blakey and His Jazz Messengers, Impulse!, Impulse! AS7
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, February 20, 1994 Hamiet Bluiett (bar), Ted Dunbar (g), Clint Houston (b), Ben Riley (dm) • Hamiet Bluiett, Ballads & Blues: Live at the Village Vanguard, Soul Note 121288-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, June 25-26, 1993 Arthur Blythe (as), John Hicks (p), Cecil McBee (b), Bobby Battle (dm) • Arthur Blythe, Retroflection, Enja 8046-2
Arthur Blythe (as), John Hicks (p), Cecil McBee (b), Bobby Battle (dm) • Arthur Blythe, Calling Card, Enja 9051-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, February 1980
Earl Gardner, Ron Tooley, Larry Moses, John Marshall (tp) Clark Terry (flh) John Mosca, Lee Robertson, Earl McIntyre, Lolly Bienenfeld (tb) Bob Brookmeyer (vtb,arr,comp), Stephanie Fauber (flh), Dick Oatts, Steve Coleman (as), Bob Mintzer, Richard Perry (ts), Garry Pribeck (bar), Jim McNeely (p), Rufus Reid (b), Mel Lewis (dm) • Bob Brookmeyer/Mel Lewis and the Jazz Orchestra, Gryphon 912
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, September 16-17, 1959 Kenny Burrell (g), Richard Davis (b), Roy Haynes (dm) • Kenny Burrell Trio, A Night at the Vanguard, Argo 655
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, December 15, 1978 Kenny Burrell (g), Larry Gales (b), Sherman Ferguson (dm) • Kenny Burrell, Live at the Village Vanguard, Muse 5216 • Kenny Burrell, In New York, Muse 5241
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, October 24-25, 1986 Kenny Burrell (g), Rodney Jones, Bobby Brown (g), Dave Jackson (b), Kenny Washington (dm) • Kenny Burrell and the Jazz Guitar Band, Pieces of Blue and the Blues, Blue Note 7 90260-2 • Kenny Burrell and the Jazz Guitar Band, Generation, Blue Note 85137/7 46756 2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, August 1-6, 1989 Kenny Burrell (g), Jay Hoggard (vib), Marcus McLaurine (b), Yoron Israel (dm) • Kenny Burrell Quartet, Featuring Jay Hoggard, Guiding Spirit, Contemporary 14058
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, August 26-27, 1993 Kenny Burrell (g), James Williams (p), Peter Washington (b), Sherman Ferguson (dm) • Kenny Burrell, Then Along Came, Live at the Village Vanguard, Evidence 22160-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, August 28, 1993 James Williams (p), Kenny Burrell (g), Peter Washington (b), Sherman Ferguson (dm) • Kenny Burrell Quartet, Midnight at the Village Vanguard, Evidence 22124-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, January 15, 1961 Charlie Byrd (g), Keter Betts (b), Buddy Deppenschmidt (dm) • Charlie Byrd at the Village Vanguard, Riverside 452/Milestone 47049/Original Jazz Classics 669-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, May 23-25, 2003 Uri Caine (p), Drew Gress (b), Ben Perowsky (dm) • Uri Caine, Live at the Village Vanguard, Winter & Winter 910 102-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, May 22, 1970 Betty Carter (voc), Norman Simmons (p), Lisle Atkinson (b), Al Harewood (dm) • Betty Carter at the Village Vanguard, Verve 519851-2/Betcar 1001
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, November 1982 Jim Hall (g), Ron Carter (b) • Ron Carter/Jim Hall, Telepathy, Concord Jazz 2-4963
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, November 11-16, 2003 Bill Charlap (p), Peter Washington (b), Kenny Washington (dm) • Bill Charlap, Live at the Village Vanguard, Blue Note 7243 5 97044-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, February 16-18, 1990
Buck Clayton (lead, dir), John Eckert, Randy (ou Jordan), Sandke, Byron Stripling, Warren Vaché (tp), Matt Finders, Bobby Pring, Harvey Tibbs (tb), Jerry Dodgion (as), Doug Lawrence, Frank Wess (ts), Scott Robinson, Joe Temperley (bar), Dick Katz (p), James Chirillo (g), Lynn Seaton (b), Dennis Mackrel (dm) • The Buck Clayton Swing Band, Swings the Village: Live in Greenwich Village NYC, Nagel-Heyer 030/5004
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, April 23-28, 2019 Gerald Clayton (p), Logan Richardson (as), Walter Smith, III (ts), Joe Sanders (b), Marcus Gilmore (dm) • Gerald Clayton, Happening: Live at the Village Vanguard, Blue Note 3209902
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, July 5, 2009 Anat Cohen (cl), Benny Green (p), Peter Washington (b), Lewis Nash (dm) • Anat Cohen, Clarinetwork: Live at the Village Vanguard, Anzic 1203
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, June 24, 1981 Richie Cole (as,ts), Bobby Enriquez (p), Bruce Forman (g), Marshall Hawkins (b), Scott Morris (dm) • Richie Cole… Alive! At the Village Vanguard, Muse 5270
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, 1985 George Coleman (ts,as,voc), Harold Mabern (p), Jamil Nasser (b), Idris Muhammad (dm) • George Coleman, Manhattan Panorama, Theresa 120/Evidence 22019-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, May 19-21, 2017 Steve Coleman (as), Jonathan Finlayson (tp), Miles Okazaki (g), Anthony Tidd (b), Sean Rickman (dm), Kokayi (rec) • Steve Coleman and Five Elements, Live at the Village Vanguard, Vol. 1/2: The Embedded Sets, Pi Recordings 76/91
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, November 1-3, 5, 1961 John Coltrane (ts,ss), Garvin Bushell (oboe, ehrn, contra-bassoon), Eric Dolphy (bcl,as), McCoy Tyner (p), Jimmy Garrison, Reggie Workman (b), Elvin Jones, Roy Haynes (dm), Ahmed Abdul-Malik (oud, tamb) • John Coltrane, Spiritual, Impulse! AS10 • John Coltrane, Impressions, Impulse! AS42 • John Coltrane, Chasin' the Trane, Impulse! AS9325 • John Coltrane, The Mastery of John Coltrane/Vol. IV 'Trane's Modes', Impulse! IZ9361 NB: John Coltrane, The Complete 1961 Village Vanguard Recordings, Impulse! 4-232 (coffret 5 CDs) réunit la totalité des enregistrements au Vanguard de 1961.
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, May 28, 1966
John Coltrane (ts,ss,bcl), Pharoah Sanders (ts,fl), Alice Coltrane (p), Jimmy Garrison (b), Rashied Ali (dm), Emanuel Rahim (perc) • John Coltrane Sextet, Coltrane Live at the Village Vanguard Again!, Impulse! 12132
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, September 13, 1959 Chris Connor (voc), Bill Rubinstein (p), Kenny Burrell (g), Eddie de Haas (b), Lex Humphries (dm)
• Chris Connor, Chris in Person, Atlantic 8040
D Village Vanguard, New York, NY, May 27-28, 2022 Kris Davis (p,clav) Julian Lage (g), Trevor Dunn (b), Terri Lyne Carrington (dm), Val Jeanty (turntables,electronics) • Kris Davis, Diatom Ribbons Live at the Village Vanguard, Pyroclastic 28/29
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, February 13, 1972 Keno Duke (dm), Julius Watkins (flh), George Coleman, Clifford Jordan (ts), Harold Mabern (p), Larry Ridley (b) • Keno Duke, Jazz Contemporaries: Reasons in Tonality, Strata-East 1972-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, November 26, 1988 Eddie Daniels (cl), Roger Kellaway (p), Buster Williams (b), Al Foster (dm) • Eddie Daniels/Roger Kellaway, Just Friends Live at the Village Vanguard, Resonance 2028
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, December 20-25, 1994 Ralph Moore (ts,ss), Cedar Walton (p), David Williams (b), Billy Higgins (dm) • Eastern Rebellion, Just One of Those … Nights at the Village Vanguard, Jazz Heritage 513804/MusicMasters Jazz 01612-65116-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, November 2-4, 1990 Christian Escoudé (g), Pierre Michelot (b), Hank Jones (p), Kenny Washington (dm) • Christian Escoudé/Pierre Michelot Quartet, Live at the Village Vanguard, EmArcy 848 573-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, June 25, 1961 Bill Evans (p), Scott La Faro (b), Paul Motian (dm) • Bill Evans, Live at the Village Vanguard/The Complete 1961 Village Vanguard Recordings, Riverside 4443-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, March 1966 to January 26, 1975 Bill Evans (p), Teddy Kotick (b), Eddie Gomez (b, à partir du 3 juillet 1966), Arnie Wise (dm) • Bill Evans, The Secret Sessions, Milestone 8-4421-2 NB: 25 concerts Village Vanguard réunis dans un coffret.
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, August 17-18, 1967 Bill Evans (p), Eddie Gomez (b), Philly Joe Jones (dm) • Bill Evans Trio, California Here I Come, Verve 2-2545
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, January 11-12, 1974 Bill Evans (p), Eddie Gomez (b), Marty Morell (dm) • Bill Evans Trio, Since We Met, Fantasy 1012-2 NB: les notes de livret sont de Max Gordon
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, January 15, 1978 Bill Evans (p), Michael Moore (b), Philly Joe Jones (dm) • Bill Evans, Getting Sentimental, Milestone 9336-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, June 4-6, 8, 1980 Bill Evans (p), Marc Johnson (b), Joe LaBarbera (dm) • Bill Evans, Turn Out the Stars: the Final Village Vanguard Recordings, Warner Bros. 45925-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, 1969
Snooky Young, Mike Lawrence (tp), Jimmy Cleveland, Jimmy Knepper (tb), Julius Watkins (fhr), Howard Johnson (tu,bar), Hubert Laws (fl), Billy Harper (ts), Gil Evans (p,ep,arr,cond), Joe Beck (g), Gene Bianco (harp), Herb Bushler (b), Elvin Jones (dm), Sue Evans (perc) • Gil Evans Orchestra, Blues in Orbit, Ampex 10102/Enja 3069-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, October 18-19, 1986 Tommy Flanagan (p), George Mraz (b), Al Foster (dm) • Tommy Flanagan Trio, Nights at the Vanguard, Uptown 27.29
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, March 16, 1997 Tommy Flanagan (p), Peter Washington (b), Lewis Nash (dm) • Tommy Flanagan Trio, Sunset and the Mockingbird: The Birthday Concert, Blue Note 7 93155-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, April 27-28, 2007 Al Foster (dm), Eli DeGibri (ss,ts), Kevin Hays (p), Doug Weiss (b) • Al Foster, Love, Peace and Jazz!, Jazz Eyes 004
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, December 9-12, 2003 Bill Frisell (g), Tony Scherr (g,b), Kenny Wollesen, (dm,perc) • Bill Frisell, East/West, Nonesuch 79863-2 NB: 2 CDs, le second CD est enregistré au Yoshi’s, Oakland, CA
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, March 2016 Bill Frisell (g), Thomas Morgan (b) • Bill Frisell/Thomas Morgan, Small Town, ECM 2525/574 6341 • Bill Frisell/Thomas Morgan, Epistrophy, ECM 2626/577 0156
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, June 22 & 29, 1957 Stan Getz (ts), Mose Allison (p), Jug Taylor (b), Fred Benito (dm) Stan Getz (ts), Mose Allison (p), Addison Farmer (b), Jerry Segal (dm) • Stan Getz Quartet Live at the Village Vanguard, Ingo One/Moon 039
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, October 1, 1967 Dizzy Gillespie (tp), Garnett Brown (tb), Pepper Adams (bar), Ray Nance (vln), Chick Corea (p), Richard Davis (b), Elvin Jones, Mel Lewis (dm) • Dizzy Gillespie, Jazz for a Sunday Afternoon, Vol.2, Solid State/Blue Note 7 80507-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, December 11-12, 1976 Dexter Gordon (ts), Woody Shaw (tp,flh), Ronnie Mathews (p), Stafford James (b), Louis Hayes (dm) • Dexter Gordon, Home Coming, Columbia 34650-C2K46824/Columbia-Legacy 507924-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, February 27, 1983 Dexter Gordon (ts), Kirk Lightsey (p), David Eubanks (b), Eddie Gladden (dm) • Dexter Gordon Quartet, Village Vanguard, NYC, Feb ’83, Hi Hat 3043
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, November 5-10, 1991 Benny Green (p), Christian McBride (b), Carl Allen (dm) • The Benny Green Trio, Live at the Village Vanguard: Testifyin’, Blue Note 7 98171-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, July 6-7, 1979 Johnny Griffin (ts), Ron Mathews (p), Ray Drummond (b), Idris Muhammad (dm) • Johnny Griffin, NYC Underground, Galaxy 5132
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, 1981 Johnny Griffin (ts), Ronnie Mathews (p), Ray Drummond (b), Kenny Washington (dm) • Johnny Griffin, From Johnny Griffin With Love, Storyville 1088605 NB: coffret de 3 disques enregistrés au Danemark + 1 DVD enregistré au Village Vanguard avec 3 titres par le Johnny Griffin Quartet et 4 titres par le Richie Cole Quintet.
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, December 4-8, 1996 Jim Hall (g), Scott Colley (b), Terry Clarke (dm) + Art Farmer (flh), Geoff Keezer (p), Kenny Barron (p), Slide Hampton (tb), Greg Osby (as) • Jim Hall, Panorama: Live at the Village Vanguard, Telarc 83408
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, February 6-7, 1993
Slide Hampton (tb) Jon Faddis, Roy Hargrove (tp,flh) Claudio Roditi (tp) Steve Turre (tb) Douglas Purviance (btb,tu), Antonio Hart (ss,as), Jimmy Heath (ts), David Sanchez (ts,ss,fl), Danilo Perez (p), George Mraz (b), Lewis Nash (dm) • Slide Hampton & The Jazzmasters: Dedicated to Diz, Telarc 83323
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, September 8-9, 1989 Philip Harper (tp), Justin Robinson (as), Stephen Scott (p), Kiyoshi Kitagawa (b), Winard Harper (dm) • The Harper Brothers, Remembrance: Live at the Village Vanguard, Verve 841 723-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, November 15 & 18, 2001 Tom Harrell (tp), Jimmy Greene (ts), Xavier Davis (p), Ugonna Okegwo (b), Quincy Davis (dm) • Tom Harrell, Live at the Village Vanguard, RCA-Bluebird 0926.63910-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, March 1965 Coleman Hawkins (ts), Earl Hines (p), George Tucker (b), Oliver Jackson (dm) • Coleman Hawkins With the Earl Hines Trio: Rifftide, Pumpkin 105
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, March 30-April 2, 2022 Gilad Hekselman (g), Shai Maestro (p), Larry Grenadier (b), Eric Harland (dm) • Gilad Hekselman, Life: At the Village Vanguard, La Reserve 056001
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, November 14, 1985 Joe Henderson (ts), Ron Carter (b), Al Foster (dm) • Joe Henderson, The State of the Tenor: Live at the Village Vanguard, Blue Note 828879-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, November 26-28, 1993 Scott Wendholt (tp), Vincent Herring (as,ss), Cyrus Chestnut (p), Ira Coleman (b), Carl Allen (dm) • Vincent Herring, Folklore, MusicMasters 65109-2/Limelight 522430-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, July 18, 1997 Fred Hersch (p), Drew Gress (b), Tom Rainey (dm) • Fred Hersch Trio '97 at the Village Vanguard, Palmetto 953957219233
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, May 16-18, 2002 Fred Hersch (p), Drew Gress (b), Nasheet Waits (dm) • Fred Hersch, Live at the Village Vanguard, Palmetto 2088
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, November 30-December 5, 2010 Fred Hersch (p) • Fred Hersch, Alone at the Vanguard, Palmetto 2147
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, February 7-12, 2012 Fred Hersch (p), John Hébert (b), Eric McPherson (dm) • Fred Hersch Trio, Alive at the Vanguard, Palmetto 2159
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, March 27, 2016 Fred Hersch (p), John Hébert (b), Eric McPherson (dm) • The Fred Hersch Trio, Sunday Night at the Vanguard, Palmetto 2183
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, March 14, 1965 Earl Hines (p), Roy Eldridge (tp,flh), Coleman Hawkins (ts), George Tucker (b), Oliver Jackson (dm) • Earl Hines Trio With Guests: Grand Reunion 1 & 2, Limelight 82028/Trip 5557/Verve 528137-2/Xanadu 106
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, June 29-30, 1965 Earl Hines (p), Budd Johnson (ts,ss), Gene Ramey (b), Eddie Locke (dm) • Earl Hines Quartet: Live at the Village Vanguard, Columbia 44197
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, August 1961 Shirley Horn (voc,p), John Mixon (b), Gene Gammage (dm) • Shirley Horn, Live at the Village Vanguard, Can AM International 6106
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, August 22, 1972 Noah Howard (as,perc), Frank Lowe (ts,perc), Robert Bruno (p), Earl Freeman (elb), Rashied Ali (dm), Jumma Santos (perc) • Noah Howard, Live at the Village Vanguard, Intercord/Black Lion 28488
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, December 5-6, 1986 Bobby Hutcherson (vib,mar), Kenny Barron (p), Buster Williams (b), Al Foster (dm) • Bobby Hutcherson, In the Vanguard, Landmark 1513/1310-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, January, 2017 Ethan Iverson (p), Tom Harrell (tp), Ben Street (b), Eric McPherson (dm) • Ethan Iverson Quartet With Tom Harrell, Common Practice, ECM 2643/778 3350
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, November 25, 1986
Illinois Jacquet Big Band: E.V. Perry, Johnny Grimes, Irvin Stokes, Virgil Jones (tp), Robert Trowers, Kiane Zawadi, Art Hamilton (tb), Illinois Jacquet (as,ts,vcl), Joey Cavaseno, Bill Easley (as,cl), Hugh Brodie (ts), Eddie Barefield (ts,cl), Rudy Rutherford (bar,cl), Richard Wyands (p), Fred Hunter (b), Clyde Lucas (dm) • Illinois Jacquet, The Jacquet Files, Vol. 1, 6: Big Band Live at the Village Vanguard 1986, Squatty Roo 279/297
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, March 14-15, 1987 Illinois Jacquet Big Band: Johnny Grimes, Virgil Jones, E.V. Perry, Irvin Stokes (tp), Artie Hamilton, Bob Trowers, Kiane Zawadi (tb), Joey Cavaseno, Norris Turney (as,cl), Illinois Jacquet (as,ts,vcl), Eddie Barefield, Babe Clark (ts,cl), Rudy Rutherford (bar,cl), Richard Wyands (p), Fred Hunter (b), Clyde Lucas (dm) • Illinois Jacquet, The Jacquet Files, Vol. 3, 4, 5: Big Band Live at the Village Vanguard 1987, Squatty Roo 281/283/284 Village Vanguard, New York, NY, August 11, 1987 Illinois Jacquet Big Band: Eddie Preston, Henry Scott, Irvin Stokes, John Grimes (tp), Frank "Ku-umba" Lacy, Fred Joyner, Matt Haviland (tb), Joey Cavaseno, Rudy Rutherford (as,cl), Illinois Jacquet (ts,as,vcl), Babe Clark, Eddie Barefield (ts,cl), Cecil Payne (bar), Richard Wyands (p), Rodney Richardson (b), Duffy Jackson (dm) • Illinois Jacquet, The Jacquet Files, Vol. 9, 10: Big Band Live at the Village Vanguard 1987, Squatty Roo 307/308
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, February 24, 1973
Keith Jarrett (p,ss,tamb), Dewey Redman (ts,maraccas,chinese musette), Charlie Haden (b), Paul Motian (dm,perc), Danny Johnson (perc) • Keith Jarrett, Fort Yawuh, Impulse! D5-237 (5 CDs)
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, May 1979 Keith Jarrett (p,timb,perc) Jan Garbarek (ss,ts) Palle Danielsson (b) Jon Christensen (dm,perc) • Keith Jarrett, Nude Ants, ECM 1171/72
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, July 1988 J. J. Johnson (tb) Ralph Moore (ts,ss), Stanley Cowell (p), Rufus Reid (b), Victor Lewis (dm) • J. J. Johnson, Quintergy: Live at the Village Vanguard, Antilles 422 848 214-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, July 1988 J. J. Johnson (tb), Ralph Moore (ts), Stanley Cowell (p), Rufus Reid (b) Victor Lewis (dm) • J. J. Johnson, Standards: Live at the Village Vanguard, Antilles 314 510 059-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, October 1, 1967 Elvin Jones (dm), Marvin Stamm (tp), Garnett Brown (tb), Joe Farrell (ts), Chick Corea (p), Richard Davis (b) • Elvin Jones, Jazz for a Sunday Afternoon, Vol 4, Solid State 18052/Blue Note 7 89280-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, March 20, 1968 Elvin Jones (dm), Hannibal Marvin Peterson (tp), George Coleman (ts), Wilbur Little (b) • Elvin Jones, Live at the Village Vanguard, Enja 2036-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, March 1968 Elvin Jones (dm), George Coleman (ts), Wilbur Little (b) • Elvin Jones, Skyscrapers Vol. 1, Honeydew 6602
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, July 1, 1984 Elvin Jones (dm), Frank Foster, Pat LaBarbera (ts), Fumio Karashima (p), Charles Chip Jackson (b) • Elvin Jones, Live at the Village Vanguard Volume One, Landmark 1534-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, February 19-20, 1977 Hank Jones (p), Ron Carter (b), Tony Williams (dm) • Hank Jones, The Great Jazz Trio at the Village Vanguard, Vol. 1, East Wind 8053 • Hank Jones, The Great Jazz Trio at the Village Vanguard Vol. 2, East Wind 8055 • Hank Jones, The Great jazz Trio at the Village Vanguard Again, East Wind 9043
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, October 10- 11-12, 1980 Hank Jones (p), Ron Carter (b), Tony Williams (dm) • Hank Jones, The Great Jazz Trio: Re-visited At the Village Vanguard, Vol 1, East World 90002 • Hank Jones, The Great Jazz Trio: Re-visited At the Village Vanguard, Vol 2, East World 90005
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, February 7° et 21 mars 1966*
Thad Jones, Jimmy Nottingham, Snooky Young, Bill Berry, Jimmy Owens (tp), Bob Brookmeyer (vtb), Garnett Brown (tb), Jack Rains (tp)*, Cliff Heather (tb), Jerry Dodgion, Jerome Richardson (as, ss, cl, bcl fl), Eddie Daniels (ts, bcl, fl), Joe Farrell (ts, cl, fl), Pepper Adams (bar)°, Marv Holliday (bar)*, Hank Jones (p), Sam Herman (g), Richard Davis (b), Mel Lewis (dm) • Thad Jones-Mel Lewis Jazz Orchestra, Opening Night, Jazz 1939 • Thad Jones/Mel Lewis Orchestra, All My Yesterdays, Resonance Records 2023
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, April 28, 1967 Thad Jones (cnt), Snooky Young, Bill Berry, Jimmy Nottingham, Richard Williams, Marvin Stamm (tp), Bob Brookmeyer (vtb), Tom McIntosh, Garnett Brown (tb), Cliff Heather (btb), Jerome Richardson (ss,as,fl,cl), Jerry Dodgion (as,fl), Joe Farrell (ts,fl), Eddie Daniels (ts,cl), Pepper Adams (bar,cl), Roland Hanna (p), Sam Herman (g,perc), Richard Davis (b), Mel Lewis (dm) • Thad Jones/Mel Lewis Orchestra, Live at the Village Vanguard, Solid State 18016/Blue Note LA392-H2/Mosaic MD5-151
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, October 17, 1968 Thad Jones (flh), Snooky Young, Bill Berry, Danny Moore, Jimmy Nottingham, Richard Williams (tp), Garnett Brown, Jimmy Cleveland, Jimmy Knepper (tb), Cliff Heather (btb), Jerome Richardson (ss,as,fl, cl), Jerry Dodgion (as,fl), Seldon Powell (ts), Eddie Daniels (ts,cl), Pepper Adams (bar,cl), Roland Hanna (p), Sam Herman (g), Richard Davis (b), Mel Lewis (dm) • Thad Jones/Mel Lewis Jazz Orchestra, Monday Night, Solid State 18048/Mosaic MD5-151
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, May 12 & 15, 1970 Roland Kirk (ts,manzello,stritch,cl,fl,hca,voc), Dick Griffith (tb), Howard Johnson (tu), Rahn Burton (p), Sonelius Smith (p, celesta), Vernon Martin (b), James Madison (dm), Joe Habad Texidor (perc), Alvern Bunn (perc), Leroy Jenkins (vln) • Rahsaan Roland Kirk & the Vibration Society, Rahsaan Rahsaan, Atlantic 1575/Rhino 2-71406
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, March 31-April 1, 2009 Lee Konitz (as), Florian Weber (p), Jeff Denson (b), Ziv Ravitz (dm) • Lee Konitz New Quartet, Live at the Village Vanguard, Enja 9542-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, March 27-30, 1986 Steve Kuhn (p), Ron Carter (b), Al Foster (dm) • Steve Kuhn Trio, The Vanguard Date, Owl/Time Line 3819062
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, March 27-30, 1986 Steve Kuhn (p), Ron Carter (b), Al Foster (dm) • Steve Kuhn Trio, Life's Magic, Black Hawk 522-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, February 1980 Earl Gardner, Ron Tooley, Larry Moses, John Marshall (tp) Clark Terry (tp), John Mosca, Lee Robertson, Lollie Bienenfeld, Earl McIntyre (tb), Bob Brookmeyer (v-tb, arr,comp), Stephanie Fauber (fhr), Dick Oatts, Steve Coleman, Bob Mintzer, Richard Perry, Gary Pribeck (saxes), Jim McNeely (p), Rufus Reid (b), Mel Lewis (dm) • Mel Lewis and the Jazz Orchestra/Bob Brookmeyer Compositions, Gryphon 912
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, January 7-11, 1982 Bob Brookmeyer (vtb), Earl Gardner, Joe Mosello, John Marshall, Tom Harrell (tp,flh), John Mosca, Ed Neumeister (tb), Douglas Purviance, Earl McIntyre (btb), Stephanie Fauber (frh), Dick Oatts (ss,fl,as), Keneth Garrett (ss,fl,as,cl), Joe Lovano, Gary Pribeck (ts,cl), Gary Smulyan (bar,bcl), Jim McNeely (p), Marc Johnson (b), Mel Lewis (dm) • Mel Lewis & the Jazz Orchestra, Make Me Smile and Other New Works by Bob Brookmeyer, Finesse 37987/Red Barron 53752
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, March 20-22, 1985
Earl Gardner, Joe Mosello, Glenn Drewes, Jim Powell (tp), Bill Pusey (tp) John Mosca, Ed Neumeister (tb), Douglas Purviance, Earl McIntyre (b-tb), Stephanie Fauber (fhr), Dick Oatts (as,ss,fl), Ted Nash (as,ss,cl,fl), Joe Lovano, Ralph Lalama (ts,fl,cl), Gary Smulyan (bar,bcl), Kenny Werner (p), Dennis Irwin (b), Mel Lewis (dm), Thad Jones, Richard DeRosa, Jim McNeely, Jerry Dodgion, Bill Finegan, Bob Brookmeyer (arr) • The Mel Lewis Orchestra, 20 Years at the Village Vanguard, Atlantic 81655
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, February 11-15, 1988 Mel Lewis (d,dir) Earl Gardner, Joe Mosello, Glenn Drewes (tp), Jim Powell (tp,flh), John Mosca, Ed Neumeister (tb), Douglas Purviance, Earl McIntyre (btb), Stephanie Fauber (frh), Dick Oatts (as,ss), Ted Nash (as), Joe Lovano, Ralph Lalama (ts), Gary Smulyan (bar), Kenny Werner (p), Dennis Irwin (b) • The Mel Lewis Jazz Orchestra, The Definitive Thad Jones, Live From the Village Vanguard, Vol. 1 & 2, Limelight 820 816-2/820 838-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, February 4-5, 1978 Dave Liebman (ts,ss), Randy Brecker (tp), Richie Beirach (p), Frank Tusa (b), Al Foster (dm) • Dave Liebman Quintet, Pendulum, Artists House 9408
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, March 12, 1994 Joe Lovano (ts), Tom Harrell (tp,flh), Anthony Cox (b), Billy Hart (dm) • Joe Lovano Quartets, Live at the Village Vanguard, Vol. 1, Blue Note 00602547029911 (7243 8 29125 2)
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, January 20 & 22, 1995 Joe Lovano (ts), Mulgrew Miller (p), Christian McBride (b), Lewis Nash (dm) • Joe Lovano Quartets, Live at the Village Vanguard, Vol. 2, Blue Note 00602547476456 (7243 8 29125 2)
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, September 29, 2002
Joe Lovano (ts,mouthpiece), Barry Ries (tp), Larry Farrell (tb), Steve Slagle (as), Ralph Lalama, George Garzone (ts), Scott Robinson (bar), John Hicks (p), Dennis Irwin (b), Lewis Nash (dm) • Joe Lovano Nonet, On This Day... At the Vanguard, Blue Note 43277
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, February 22-23, 1961 Junior Mance (p), Larry Gales (b), Ben Riley (dm) • Junior Mance Trio at the Village Vanguard, Jazzland 41
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, March 9-10, 1990
Wynton Marsalis (tp), Wycliffe Gordon (tb), Wessel Anderson (as), Todd Williams (ts,ss,cl), Marcus Roberts (p), Reginald Veal (b), Herlin Riley (dm) • Wynton Marsalis, Live at the Village Vanguard, Columbia, 69876-2 (8 CDs)
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, July 3 & 7, 1991
Wynton Marsalis (tp), Wycliffe Gordon (tb), Wessel Anderson (as), Todd Williams (ts,ss,cl), Marcus Roberts (p), Reginald Veal (b), Herlin Riley (dm) • Wynton Marsalis, Live at the Village Vanguard, Columbia, 69876-2 (8 CDs)
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, December 3-5, 1993
Wynton Marsalis (tp), Wycliffe Gordon (tb), Wessell Anderson (as,ss), Victor Goines (ts, ss,cl, bcl), Eric Reed (p), Reginald Veal (b), Herlin Riley (dm) + guests: Marcus Roberts (p), Dr. Michael White (cl) • Wynton Marsalis, Live at the Village Vanguard, Columbia, 69876-2 (8 CDs)
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, December 2-4, 1994
Wynton Marsalis (tp), Wycliffe Gordon (tb), Wessell Anderson (as), Victor Goines (ts, ss,cl), Eric Reed (p), Ben Wolfe (b), Herlin Riley (dm) • Wynton Marsalis, Live at the Village Vanguard, Columbia, 69876-2 (8 CDs)
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, December 12-14, 2014 Christian McBride (b), Ulysses Owens, Jr. (dm), Christian Sands (p) • Christian McBride Trio, Live at the Village Vanguard, Mack Avenue 1099
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, July 16, 1967 Les McCann (p), Leroy Vinnegar (b), Frank Severino (dm) • Les McCann Trio, "How's Your Mother?", 32 Jazz 32088 / Never a Dull Moment: Live from Coast to Coast, Resonance Records 2066
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, September 9-11, 2016 Cécile McLorin Salvant (voc), Aaron Diehl (p), Sullivan Fortner (p), Paul Sikivie (b), Lawrence Leathers (dm) • Cécile McLorin Salvant, Dreams and Daggers, Mack Avenue 1120
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, November 3-21, 1965
Carmen McRae (voc), Ray Beckenstein (fl), Norman Simmons (p), Joe Puma (g), Paul Breslin (b), Frank Severino (dm), Jose Manguel (bgo) • Carmen McRae, Woman Talk, Mainstream 56065/Legacy 57887
Village Vanguard, NY, New York, NY, November 1981 Warne Marsh (ts), Sal Mosca (p), Frank Canino (b), Skip Scott (dm) • Sal Mosca-Warne Marsh Quartet, Vol. 1, Zinnia 103
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, November 1981 Warne Marsh (ts), Sal Mosca (p), Frank Canino (b), Skip Scott (dm) • Sal Mosca-Warne Marsh Quartet, Vol. 2, Zinnia 104
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, July 29-August 3, 1997 Brad Mehldau (p), Larry Grenadier (b), Jorge Rossy (dm) • Brad Mehldau, The Art of the Trio, Volume Two, Warner Bros. 46848-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, January 5-10, 1999 Brad Mehldau (p), Larry Grenadier (b), Jorge Rossy (dm) • Brad Mehldau, Back at the Vanguard: Art of the trio, Volume 4, Warner Bros. 47463-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, September 22-24, 2000 Brad Mehldau (p), Larry Grenadier (b), Jorge Rossy (dm) • Brad Mehldau, Progression: Art of the trio, Volume 5, Warner Bros. 48005-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, October 11-15, 2006 Brad Mehldau (p), Larry Grenadier (b), Jeff Ballard (dm) • Brad Mehldau Trio Live, Nonesuch 376252
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, May 27, 1984 Randy Brecker (tp), George Adams (ts), Roland Hanna (p), Richard Davis (b), Kenny Washington (dm) • Mingus Dynasty-Live at the Village Vanguard, Storyville 4124
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, December 14 & 21, 1967, February, 14, 1968*, December, 14, 1968 Thelonious Monk (p), Charlie Rouse (ts), Larry Gales (b), Ben Riley (dm), Jon Hendricks (voc)* • Thelonious Monk Quartet: Underground, CBS 45358, Columbia/Legacy 507925-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, June 15, 1972 Thelonious Monk (p), Paul Jeffrey (ts), Dave Holland (b), T.S. Monk (dm) • Thelonious Monk, The Last Concerts, RLR Records 88643
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, April 19, 1973 Big Chief Russell Moore (tb,voc), Ed Polcer (cnt), Dick Wellstood (p), Gene Ramey (b), Jackie Williams (dm) • Big Chief Russell Moore's Pow Wow Jazz Band, Trutone/Jazz Art 520354 • Big Chief Russell Moore's Pow Wow Jazz Band, Trutone/Jazz Art 520472
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, November 29-30, 2002 Jason Moran (p), Tarus Mateen (b,eb), Nasheet Waits (dm) • Jason Moran, The Bandwagon, Blue Note 80917
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, November 26-27, 2016 Jason Moran (p), Tarus Mateen (b), Nasheet Waits (dm) • Jason Moran, Thanksgiving at the Vanguard, Yes 04
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, December 14-15, 1986 Frank Morgan (as), Johnny Coles (flh), Cedar Walton (p), Buster Williams (b), Billy Higgins (dm) • Frank Morgan Quintet, Bebop Lives!, Contemporary 14026
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, June 6-11, 1995 Paul Motian (dm), Joe Lovano (ts), Bill Frisell (g,synth) • Paul Motian Trio, You Took the Words Right Out of My Heart, JMT 514028-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, June 7-10, 1995 Paul Motian (dm), Joe Lovano (ts), Bill Frisell (g, synth) • Paul Motian Trio, Sound of Love, Winter & Winter 910 008-2 • Paul Motian, At the Village Vanguard, Winter & Winter 919 080-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, December 8-10, 2006 Paul Motian (dm), Chris Potter (ts), Larry Grenadier (b) + Greg Osby (as), Masabumi Kikuchi (p) • Paul Motian, Live at the Village Vanguard, Vol. I, Winter & Winter 910 133-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, December 8-10, 2006 Paul Motian (dm), Chris Potter (ts), Larry Grenadier (b) + Greg Osby (as), Masabumi Kikuchi (p), Mat Maneri (viola) • Paul Motian Live at the Village Vanguard, Vol. II, Winter & Winter 910 143-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, December 8-10, 2006 Paul Motian (dm), Chris Potter (ts), Larry Grenadier (b) + Masabumi Kikuchi (p), Mat Maneri (viola) • Paul Motian Live at the Village Vanguard, Vol. III, Winter & Winter 910 172-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, February 2009 Paul Motian (dm), Chris Potter (ts), Jason Moran (p) • Paul Motian, Lost in a Dream, ECM 2128
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, December 10-11, 1960 Gerry Mulligan (bar), Clark Terry, Don Ferrara, Nick Travis (tp), Bob Brookmeyer (vtb,arr), Willie Dennis, Alan Raph (tb), Gene Quill, Bob Donovan (as), Jim Reider (ts), Gene Allen (bar,bcl), Bill Crow (b), Mel Lewis (dm), Al Cohn, Johnny Mandell (arr) • Gerry Mulligan and the Concert Jazz Band at the Village Vanguard, Verve 8396/Verve 589488-2/Mosaic MD4-221
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, February 25, 1962 Gerry Mulligan (bar) Bob Brookmeyer (vtb,p) Bill Crow (b) Gus Johnson (dm) • The Gerry Mulligan Quartet, Verve 6-8466 NB: 1 titre («I Know, Don't Know How»).
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, 1986 David Murray (ts,bcl), John Hicks (p), Fred Hopkins (b), Ed Blackwell (dm) • The David Murray Quartet, Live at the Village Vanguard, Immortal (DVD)/Unicorn 96115 (DVD)
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, August 17-22, 1993 David Murray (ts,bcl), Hilton Ruiz (p), Kelly Roberty (b), Pheeroan akLaff (dm) • David Murray, Live at the Village Vanguard, Luminescence 4002/Sound Hills Records 4002
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, 1970 Lisle Atkinson, Ron Carter, Richard Davis, Michael Fleming, Milt Hinton, Sam Jones (b), Bill Lee (b,dir), Sonny Brown (perc) • The New York Bass Violin Choir Directed by Bill Lee, Strata-East 8003 NB: un titre («House of the Rising Sun»).
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, December 22-23, 1988 David Newman (ts,fl), Hank Crawford (as), Stanley Turrentine (ts), Steve Nelson (vib), Kirk Lightsey (p), David Williams (b), Marvin Smitty Smith (dm) • David Newman, Fire! Live at the Village Vanguard, Atlantic 81965/Collectables 6594
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, May 6-8, 1994 Junko Onishi (p), Reginald Veal (b), Herlin Riley (dm) • Junko Onishi Trio, Live at the Village Vanguard, Somethin' Else 5570
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, July 28-29-30, 1977 Art Pepper (as,ts,cl), George Cables (p), George Mraz (b), Elvin Jones (dm) • Art Pepper, Thursday Night at the Village Vanguard, Vol. 1-2-3, Contemporary 7642-43-44/Original Jazz Classics 694-2/9-4417-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, July 28-30, 1977 Art Pepper (as,ts,cl), George Cables (p), George Mraz (b), Elvin Jones (dm) • Art Pepper, More For Les at the Village Vanguard, Vol. 4, Contemporary 7650/Original Jazz Classics-697-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, March 16, 1984 Michel Petrucciani (p), Palle Danielsson (b), Eliot Zigmund (dm) • The Michel Petrucciani Trio, Live at the Village Vanguard, Concord 3006
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, September 1986 Michel Petrucciani (p), Jim Hall (g), Eliot Zigmund (tp), Palle Danielsson (b) • The Michel Petrucciani Trio feat. Jim Hall: Live at the Village Vanguard, Immortal 940138 (DVD)
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, July 7-8, 2010 Enrico Pieranunzi (p), Marc Johnson (b), Paul Motian (dm) • Enrico Pieranunzi, Live at the Village Vanguard, CAM Jazz 7857-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, April 29-30, 2015 Enrico Pieranunzi (p), Donny McCaslin (ts), Scott Colley (b), Clarence Penn (dm) • Enrico Pieranunzi Quartet, New Spring: Live at the Village Vanguard, CAM Jazz 5056
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, January 13-14, 2016 Enrico Pieranunzi (p,comp), Diego Urcola (tp,tb), Seamus Blake (ts), Ben Street (b), Adam Cruz (dm) • Enrico Pieranunzi Quintet, The Extra Something: Live at the Village Vanguard", CAM Jazz 7969-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, December 13-14, 2002 Chris Potter (ts), Kevin Hays (p,keyboards), Scott Colley (b), Bill Stewart (dm) • Chris Potter, Lift: Live at the Village Vanguard, Sunnyside 3022
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, February 15-17, 2007 Chris Potter (ts,bcl), Craig Taborn (ep), Adam Rogers (g), Nate Smith (dm) • Chris Potter, Follow the Red Line: Live at the Village Vanguard, Sunnyside 3075
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, February, 2022 Chris Potter (ts) Craig Taborn (p) Scott Colley (b) Marcus Gilmore (dm) • Chris Potter, Got the Keys to the Kingdom: Live at the Village Vanguard, Edition 1214
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, September 3, 1992 Joshua Redman (ts), Pat Metheny (g), Charlie Haden (b), Billy Higgins (dm) • Joshua Redman, Introducing, Warner Bros. 5974
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, March 30, April 4 & October 7-10, 1993 Joshua Redman (ts), Pat Metheny (g), Charlie Haden (b), Billy Higgins (dm) • Joshua Redman, Wish, Warner Bros. 9-45365-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, March 21-26, 1995 Joshua Redman (ts,ss), Peter Martin (p), Christopher Thomas (b), Brian Blade (dm) • Joshua Redman, Spirit of the moment: Live at the Village Vanguard, Warner Bros. 9-45923-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, June 30, 2012 Marc Ribot (g), Henry Grimes (b, vln), Chad Taylor (dm) • Marc Ribot Trio, Live at the Village Vanguard, Pi Recordings 53
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, May 5-9 & July 5, 1980 Red Rodney (tp,flh), Ira Sullivan (ss, ts,fl,as,tp,flh), Garry Dial (p), Paul Berner (b), Tom Whaley (dm) • Red Rodney, Live at Village the Vanguard: feat. Ira Sullivan, Muse 5209
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, May 5-9 & July 5, 1980 Red Rodney (tp,flh), Ira Sullivan (ss, ts,fl,as,tp,flh), Garry Dial (p), Paul Berner (b), Tom Whaley (dm) • Red Rodney, Hi Jinx at the Vanguard, Muse 5267
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, May 8-9 & July 5, 1980 Red Rodney (tp,flh), Ira Sullivan (fl,as,ts), Garry Dial (p), Paul Berner (b), Tom Whaley (dm) • Red Rodney, Alive in New York, Muse 5307
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, November 3, 1957 Sonny Rollins (ts), Wilbur Ware (b) ou Donald Bailey (b), Pete LaRoca (dm) ou Elvin Jones (dm) • Sonny Rollins Trio, A Night at the Village Vanguard, Blue Note 1581/ 7 46517-2/499795-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, January 10-15, 2006 Kurt Rosenwinkel (g), Mark Turner (ts), Aaron Goldberg (p), Joe Martin (b), Eric Harland (dm) • Kurt Rosenwinkel Group, The Remedy : Live at the Village Vanguard, ArtistShare 0077
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, 2022 Kurt Rosenwinkel (g,comp), Aaron Parks (p,clav), Eric Revis (b), Greg Hutchinson (dm) • Kurt Rosenwinkel, Undercover: Live at the Village Vanguard, Heartcore 19
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, August 10, 1957 Pee Wee Russell (cl), Ruby Braff (tp), Nat Pierce (p), Steve Jordan (g), Walter Page (b), Bobby Donaldson (dm) • Pee Wee Russell Memorial, Spook Jazz 6607
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, August 5-6, 1978 Woody Shaw (cnt,flh), Carter Jefferson (ts,ss), Onaje Allan Gumbs (p), Clint Houston (b), Victor Lewis (dm) • Woody Shaw, Stepping Stones: Live at the Village Vanguard, Columbia 35560
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, September 21-23, 2001 Martial Solal (p), François Moutin (b), Bill Stewart (dm) • Martial Solal, NY-1: Live at the Village Vanguard, Blue Note 8439
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, October 12, 2007 Martial Solal (p) • Martial Solal, Live at the Village Vanguard, CamJazz 7814-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, September 28-30, 2000 Mary Stallings (voc), Ron Blake (ts), Eric Reed (p), Vincente Archer (b), Carl Allen (dm) • Mary Stallings, Live at the Village Vanguard, MaxJazz 112
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, November 14-17, 1991 John Gilmore (ts,voc), Sun Ra (synt,org), Chris Anderson (p), Bruce Edwards (g), John Ore (b), Buster Smith (dm) • Sun Ra Sextet, At the Village Vanguard, Rounder 3124
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, February 23-24, 2019 Dayna Stephens (ts,as,ss,EWI,comp), Aaron Parks (p), Ben Street (b), Gregory Hutchinson (dm) • The Dayna Stephens Quartet, Right Now! Live at the Village Vanguard, Contagious Music 003
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, August 29-30, 1992 Art Taylor (dm), Abraham Burton (as), Willie Williams (ts), Jacky Terrasson (p), Tyler Mitchell (b) • Arthur Taylor's Wailers, Wailin' at the Vanguard, Verve 519 677-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, November 6 & 9, 2008 Cecil Taylor (p), Tony Oxley (perc,saw) • Cecil Taylor, Ailanthus/Altissima, TriplePoint 37
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, October 1, 1961 Bobby Timmons (p), Ron Carter (b), Al Heath (dm) • The Bobby Timmons Trio, In Person, Riverside 391/Original Jazz Classics 364-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, June 18-19, 2022 Mark Turner (ts,comp), Jason Palmer (tp), Joe Martin (b), Jonathan Pinson (dm) • Mark Turner, Live at the Village Vanguard, Giant Step Arts 010
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, September 23, 1997 McCoy Tyner (p), George Mraz (b), Al Foster (dm) • McCoy Tyner – Plays John Coltrane Impulse! 314 589 183-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, January 11, 1985 Michal Urbaniak (vln), Mike Gerber (p), Ron Carter (b), Lenny White (dm) • Michal Urbaniak Quartet, Friday Night at the Village Vanguard, Storyville 4093
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, 1985 ou 1989 ou 1991 Michal Urbaniak (vln), Mike Gerber (p), Ron Carter (b), Lenny White (dm) • Michal Urbaniak Quartet, Live in New York, UBX Jazz 001/L+R 45041 NB: Bien que ces deux disques ne présentent pas le même répertoire, ils sont peut-être issus du même passage au Village Vanguard de Michal Urbaniak en 1985 car la formation est strictement identique et l'ingénieur du son est le même.
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, November 8-13, 2005 Bebo Valdés (p), Javier Colina (b) • Bebo Valdés & Javier Colina, Live at the Village Vanguard, Calle 54 886971545722
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, April 9-10, 1999
Chucho Valdés (p), Francisco Rubio Pampin (b), Raul Pineda Roque (dm), Roberto Vizcaino Guillot (cga,bata,dm), Mayra Caridad Valdés (voc) • Chucho Valdés, Live at the Village Vanguard, Blue Note 7243-520730-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, March 30-April 11, 1999 Chucho Valdés (p) • Chucho Valdés, Solo, Live in new York, Blue Note 7243 4 93456 2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, May 10, 2005 The Vanguard Jazz Orchestra: Frank Greene, Joe Magnarelli, Nick Marchione, Scott Wendholt (tp), Luis Bonilla, Jason Jackson, John Mosca (tb), Slide Hampton (tb,arr,cond), Douglas Purviance (b-tb), Dick Oatts, Billy Drewes (ss,as), Ralph Lalama, Rich Perry (ts), Gary Smulyan (bar), Jim McNeely (p), Dennis Irwin (b), John Riley (dm), Thad Jones, Bob Mintzer (arr) • The Vanguard Jazz Orchestra, 40th Anniversary, enregistrements privés
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, February 10-11, 2008 The Vanguard Jazz Orchestra: Nick Marchione, Frank Greene, Terell Stafford, Scott Wendholt (tp) John Mosca, Luis Bonilla, Jason Jackson (tb), Douglas Purviance (btb), John Clark (fhr), Dick Oatts (as,ss,fl,pic,dir), Billy Drewes (as,ss,fl,cl), Rich Perry (ts,fl), Ralph LaLama (ts,cl,fl), Gary Smulyan (bar), Jim McNeely (p), Michael Weiss (p), Phil Palombi (b), John Riley (dm) • The Vanguard Jazz Orchestra, Monday Night Live at the Village Vanguard, Planet Arts 105084
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, September 16, 1986 Mal Waldron (p), Woody Shaw (tp,flh), Charlie Rouse (ts,fl), Reggie Workman (b), Ed Blackwell (dm) • Mal Waldron, The Git Go : Live at the Village Vanguard, Soul Note 1118/121118-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, September 16, 1986 Mal Waldron (p), Woody Shaw (tp,flh), Charlie Rouse (ts,fl), Reggie Workman (b), Ed Blackwell (dm) • Mal Waldron, The Seagulls of Kristiansund: Live at the Village Vanguard, Soul Note 121 148/121 148-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, March 14-15, 1995 Wallace Roney (tp), Kenny Garrett (as), Joshua Redman (ts), Brad Mehldau (p,org), Larry Goldings (p), Peter Bernstein (g), Clarence Seay (b), Lewis Nash (dm), Brian Blade (dm) • Warner Jams All-Stars: A Tribute to the Jazz Masters, United States Postal Service 7796
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, January 2-4, 1992
Dr. Michael White (cl), Wendell Brunious (tp,voc), Wynton Marsalis (tp), Freddie Lonzo (tb), Steve Pistorius (p), Don Vappie (bjo), Richard Paine (b), Louis Cottrell, Jr. (dm) • Dr. Michael White’s original Liberty Jazz Band of New Orleans: New Year's at the Village Vanguard, Antilles 314 512 168-2
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, October 7, 1982 Phil Woods (as,cl), Hal Galper (p), Steve Gilmore (b), Bill Goodwin (dm) • The Phil Woods Quartet: Live From New York, Palo Alto 8084
Village Vanguard, New York, NY, October 8, 1982 Phil Woods (as,cl), Hal Galper (p), Steve Gilmore (b), Bill Goodwin (dm) • The Phil Woods Quartet: At the Vanguard, Antilles 1013