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1930s. Village Vanguard 1930s The Very Early Years https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_ZssT-2Ey8
1940s. Village Vanguard 1940s Calypso Music/Professor Irwin Corey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGuaj0edLRM
1950s. Village Vanguard 1950s Harry Belafonte/Miriam Makeba https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMqjf6PEcG4
1957. Sonny Rollins enregistre le premier disque de la série Village Vanguard (cf. discographie), 3 novembre https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMYoaG-n03Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6GyP9j-QW8
1965. Live au Village Vanguard: Coleman Hawkins (ts), Earl Hines (p), Oliver Jackson (b), George Tucker (dm), en mars 1965, Coleman Hawkins est programmé au Vanguard avec le Earl Hines Trio. Ils sont invités à cette occasion au Video Tape Center de New York pour enregistrer pour une série télévisée, objet de cette vidéo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbca-f-fbdU
1966-2016. (8/02) Village Vanguard 50th anniversary show, National Public Radio/NPR Music, Thad Jones (tp, arr) and Mel Lewis (dm) Vanguard Jazz Orchestra « On Monday Nights », Mat Jodrell/Jon Owens/Terell Stafford/Scott Wendholt (tp), Luis Bonilla/Jason Jackson/John Mosca (tb), Douglas Purviance (btb), Dick Oatts (as/winds), Billy Drewes (as/ss/winds), Rich Perry/ Ralph Lalama (ts, winds), Gary Smulyan (bs), Michael Weiss (p), David Wong (b), John Riley (dm) with Jerry Dodgion (as), Christian McBride (voix off), dir/prod. Colin Marshall https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQgOcuqoQGM
1967. Album Les McCann, Live at the Village Vanguard, New York, NY, 16 juillet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayrruldASIo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MA2gKsNQKqI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vis5cC84ls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NivrTLF-W1Q
1968. Thelonious Monk, documentaire, réal. Michael et Christian Blackwood https://www.michaelblackwoodproductions.com/project/monk
1981. The Jazz Life featuring Johnny Griffin (ts) Quartet at the Village Vanguard, Richie Cole (as,ts), Bruce Forman (g), Ronnie Matthews, Bobby Enriquez (p), Ray Drummond, Marshall Hawkins (b), Kenny Washington, Scott Morris (dm), prod. Ben Sidran, juinhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVNuGGnv9WQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjIxGf10Zhk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjGo2mlALyQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWylm2UXV-0
1982. Art Blakey (dm) & the Jazz Messengers Live at the Village Vanguard, Wynton Marsalis (tp), Branford Marsalis (as), Billy Pierce (ts), Donald Brown (p), Charles Fambrough (b), dir. Stanley Dorfman, série SevenTh Avenue South, prod. Ben Sidranhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zVVqsUDrmQ
1982. Paroles et musique: Live at the Village Vanguard, The Freddie Hubbard Quartet, Freddie Hubbard (tp), Cedar Walton (p), Ron Carter (b), Lenny White (dm), interviews Max Gordon-Gary Giddins (critique de jazz américain), dir/prod Bruce Buschel/Fat Lady Productions, Inc, série TV, USAhttps://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/public/music/musihas-200028017/musihas-200028017.0001.pdf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vadp2goNrlw 1984. Sir Roland Hanna (p), George Mraz (b), Mel Lewis (dm) au Village Vanguardhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVXvNaMC3FI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EI8IAGajBNw1985. Max Gordon: At the Village Vanguard, dir Bruce Ricker, avec Max Gordon, Betty Comden, Adolph Green, Pete Seeger, Wynton Marsalis, and performance footage of David Murray Octet, + archive material o fLenny Bruce, Woody Allen, Jack Kerouac, Judy Holliday, Harry Belafonte, John Coltrane, Thelonious Monk… (interviews, musique, archives)
1986. Live at the Village Vanguard: The David Murray (ts) Quartet, John Hicks (p), Fred Hopkins (b), Ed Blackwell (dm), dir/prod Bruce Buschel/Fat Lady Productions, Inc, série TVhttps://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/public/music/musihas-200028017/musihas-200028017.0001.pdf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzM1KQ79Tec https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qf8X3uIJX9Q https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x15g5ks
WBGO/ National Public Radio/NPR Music:2008. (14/04)-2013 (10/12) Live at The Village Vanguard, Live broadcast recordings from the legendary New York jazz club, Adam Rogers Quintet (14/04/2008); Al Foster Quartet (21/05/2008); Guillermo Klein (11/06/2008); Brian Blade (18/06/2008); Uri Caine Trio (01/07/2008); Kenny Barron (27/08/2008); Paul Motian, Bill Frisell, Loe Lovano (03/09/2008); Chris Potter Underground (16/09/2008); Bill Charlap Trio (08/10/2008); Anat Cohen (22/10/2008); Jenny Scheinman (29/10/2008); Ravi Coltrane (19/11/2008); Cedar Walton Trio (17/12/2008); Kurt Rosenwinkel (07/01/2009); Terence Blanchard Quintet (18/02/2009); Edward Simon Quartet (11/03/2009); David Sanchez (17/03/2009); Tom Harrell (8/04/2009); Allen Toussaint (20/05/2009); Bill McHenry Quintet (8/06/2009); Fred Hersch Trio (22/07/2009); JD Allen Trio (12/08/2009); Billy Hart (23/09/2009); Christian McBride & Inside Straight (11/11/2009); Dave Douglas Quintet (9/12/2009); The Bad Plus (31/12/2009); Lee Konitz Trio (20/01/2010); Gerald Clayton Trio (10/02/2010); Nicholas Payton Quintet (10/03/2010); Steve Wilson (24/03/2010); Sam Yahel Trio (14/04/2010); Wayne Escoffery Quartet (9/06/2010); Barry Harris Trio (21/07/2010); Greg Osby Quintet (3/08/2010); Renee Rosnes Quartet (15/09/2010); Jason Moran & the Bandwagon (6/10/2010); Lou Donaldson Quartet (3/11/2010); Robert Glasper Trio (8/12/2010); Joe Lovano Us Five (12/01/2011); Aaron Goldberg Trio+1 (2/02/2011); Terell Stafford Quintet (15/03/2011); Martial Solal Duo (13/04/11); Roy Hargrove Quintet (25/05/2011); Mark Turner Quartet (21/06/2011); The Heath Brothers (6/07/2011); Jenny Scheinman's Mischief & Mayhem (17/08/2011); Geri Allen Trio (7/09/2011); Fabian Almazan (12/10/2011); Bill McHenry Quartet (9/11/2011); Vanguard Jazz Orchestra (13/02/2012); Al Foster Quartet (7/03/2012); Craig Taborn Trio (4/4/2012); Marc Ribot Trio (28/06/2012); Ethan Iverson, Ben Street, Tootie Heath (22/08/2012); Matt Wilson's Arts And Crafts (5/09/2012); Sound Prints Quintet (28/11/2012); Wilson, Rosnes, Washington (5/12/2012); David Virelles Continuum (30/01/2013); Chris Potter Quartet (6/02/2013); Tom Harrell's 'Colors Of A Dream' (27/03/2013); Jeff Ballard Fairgrounds (10/04/2013); Miguel Zenón Quartet (15/05/2013); Kenny Barron Quintet (5/06/2013); Jimmy Cobb (21/08/2013); Dave King Trio (11/09/2013); Ravi Coltrane Quartet (2/10/2013); Peter Bernstein, Larry Goldings, Bill Stewart (13/11/2013); Brian Blade & The Fellowship Band (10/12/2013)https://www.npr.org/series/90611896/live-at-the-village-vanguard https://www.npr.org/series/90611896/live-at-the-village-vanguard/archive?date=12-31-2008 https://www.npr.org/series/90611896/live-at-the-village-vanguard/archive?date=12-31-2009 https://www.npr.org/series/90611896/live-at-the-village-vanguard/archive?date=12-31-2010 https://www.npr.org/series/90611896/live-at-the-village-vanguard/archive?date=12-31-2011 https://www.npr.org/series/90611896/live-at-the-village-vanguard/archive?date=12-31-2012 https://www.npr.org/series/90611896/live-at-the-village-vanguard/archive?date=12-31-2013• Guillermo Klein (p) and Los Guachos, Village Vanguard, 11 juin 2008 https://www.npr.org/2008/06/11/91020960/guillermo-klein-live-at-the-village-vanguard • Kurt Rosenwinkel (g) Quartet, Aaron Parks (p), Ben Street (b), Kendrick Scott (dm), Village Vanguard, 7 janvier 2009 https://www.wbgo.org/post/hear-guitarist-kurt-rosenwinkel-his-quartet-archival-village-vanguard-set • Billy Hart Quartet Live at the Village Vanguard, Mark Turner (ts), Ethan Iverson (p), Ben Street (b), 23 septembre 2009 https://www.npr.org/2009/09/23/113016411/billy-hart-quartet-live-at-the-village-vanguard • Lorraine Gordon, 75e anniversaire du Village Vanguard, 23 février 2010 https://www.npr.org/2010/02/23/124010075/live-at-the-village-vanguard-for-75-years • Roy Hargrove (tp), Justin Robinson (as), Sullivan Fortner (p), Ameen Saleem (b), Montez Coleman (dm), Village Vanguard, 25 mai 2011 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lY3dMy1im8o https://www.npr.org/2011/05/24/136617130/roy-hargrove-quintet-live-at-the-village-vanguard
2013. Kenny Barron (p) Quintet - Live at the Village Vanguard, Vincent Herring (as), Brandon Lee (tp), Kiyoshi Kitagawa (b), Lee Pearson (dm), WBGO/Josh Jackson, NPR Music, 5 juin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMxcVPRATXc
2013. Jimmy Cobb Trio, Tadataka Unno (p), Paolo Benedettini (b), Village Vanguard, 22 août https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDAG5XzQB7Y
2013. Ravi Coltrane (s) Quartet – Live at the Village Vanguard, David Virelles (p), Dezron Douglas (b), Johnathan Blake (dm), WBGO 88.3fm/NPR Music/Dir. Jeremy Stirone, 3 octobre https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUQlOEXTWYQ
2013. Larry Goldings (org), Peter Bernstein (g), Bill Stewart (dm), Live at The Village Vanguard, WBGO 88.3fm/NPR Music/Dir. Jeremy Stirone, 13 novembre https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8A0V60teBI
2016. 50 Years on a Monday Night tradition keeps the Village Vanguard Swinging, PBS News Hours https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84y63bxH8SY
2017. Chico Freeman (ts) Quartet: audio WBGO + video, Live at the Village Vanguard, Anthony Wonsey (p), Gust Tsilis (vib), Kenny Davis (b), Terri Lyne Carrington (dm), 13 octobre http://www.wbgo.org/post/hear-chico-freeman-quartet-morning-jazz-village-vanguard-preview#stream/0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cx4KBLGIjhE
2018. Lorraine Gordon, dans la série The Last Word du NYTimes, documentaire de Sean Patrick Farrell, Tim Weiner, Robin Stein, diffusé sur le site du New York Times le 9 juin https://www.nytimes.com/video/obituaries/1194834005243/last-word-lorraine-gordon-obituary.html?action=click>ype=vhs&version=vhs-heading&module=vhs®ion=title-area&cview=true&t=68
Dossier conçu et réalisé par Ellen Bertet, Sandra Miley, Hélène Sportis, Jérôme Partage et Yves Sportis
© Jazz Hot 2025