
Some News From Jazz Hot

Jazz Hot n°666

Jazz Hot continues to evolve in the 21st century at its own pace, that is moderato.
The content of the website offers more updated material with Hot News and reviews of albums, festivals, concerts, gigs in clubs, etc, that are even better illustrated. Since 2013, Jazz Hot’s issues are published online quarterly for free using the same numbering system as the paper edition. All the back issues dating from 1935 can be ordered online, except the current issue that is available for free online for 3 months. That includes the special editions and supplements. This is a great way to access to historical material.
Soon readers will also have access to issues that were previously only published online that can be ordered and downloaded, like the supplements, at a low price.
We are making a special effort to publish more and more articles in different languages when the original version is in English, Italian, etc.
Don’t hesitate to use the two search engines : «rechercher un mot» (to search keywords in the back issues in the Shop section) and «recherche articles» (to search keywords in the articles published online).
The writer's names appear below the articles/reviews and after the introduction for the interviews. The names and legends of photographs and illustrations appear either when you hover the mouse over the photo or directly in the image. We recommend using the Firefox browser for better view quality.
Also we are striving to use options available on the website to enhance the layout of the articles and enrich them with our traditional discographies, either in the body of the article or available for download. Links to videos and album excerpts were added to spark the reader’s curiosity and help him to understand the article's content better.
All of these little improvements are made on a daily basis without any pretention. Our intent is to make the great history of jazz available to all even in times of economic and social crisis. Our wish at Jazz Hot is to adapt to these uncertain times whilst remaining an artistic and independent magazine.
Jazz Hot is now an elderly lady of jazz. Evolving with the 21st century while respecting her history is a challenge, not a certainty. It is a whole new technical landscape. It is also true for jazz which relies on the support and authenticity of the artists-musicians, amateurs, producers, labels, festival programmers, journalists (writers and photographers) and readers together. It is a collective responsability.

Yves Sportis